Sponsors & Sponsorship
Sponsorship with FilmQuest is an opportunity to raise the awareness of your company’s brand, services and mission. We are a festival that empowers filmmakers from the world over, and if your company is one that you feel would benefit from becoming a sponsor of FilmQuest, do not hesitate to contact us now.
Exposure and Community. Your company’s name and/or logo will be put on banners, billboards, commercials, and step-and-repeats next to the FilmQuest name as an official sponsor of the event. Filmmakers from around the globe will become aware of your brand, and will become more inclined to use your company’s name, services and products in their own film ventures.
Sponsors also get the added benefit of becoming involved in a larger community of people that goes beyond the filmmakers. They also become involved with FantasyCon, and the added benefits it brings. Ultimately, those who choose to become a sponsor get to be seen as part of the team that worked together to bring great events, unforgettable experiences, and happiness to the people of Utah and to those who choose to come from outside our state and take part in the festivities.
Additionally, sponsors will not only get their company’s identity on the publicity of FilmQuest’s materials and programming, but they will also get discounted booth rates at FantasyCon, an event that promises tens of thousands of visitors and potential customers.
We at FilmQuest don’t expect too much from our sponsors. We are looking for Sponsors that are willing to give back to the filmmakers in whatever means possible. If you are a t-shirt company, then we’d like to give away a t-shirt in the “swag” bags to each filmmaker. If you are a restaurant, a free entry or discounted meal for each filmmaker would be great. If you’re a tech company, perhaps some software would be great.
If your company can provide more services or opportunity to our filmmakers and festival patrons, then we would love this as well. We are open to any form of dialogue and discussion in meeting your desires of sponsorship.
Ultimately, we aren’t asking for much, just for our sponsors to be willing to give a little back to the people who will ultimately make FilmQuest great: the filmmakers and lovers of great films.
In exchange, sponsors will be able to leave a favorable and positive mark on those they chose to help that could pay dividends for all parties for years to come.
Perhaps you would like to sponsor a prize or giveaway. For example, maybe you’d like to give a PS4 and/or XBOX One to the winner of the the Utah High School Competition. If this is something that is of interest to you and/or your company, please contact us.
To discuss sponsorship, and the options that come with it further, please fill out the form below and we will reply shortly. You can also email us via our contact form, and a reply will come shortly.
*Form coming soon